Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Harmonising nasal falsetto in Gigiland

Explanation needed I hear you say.

Scene: Julie and Gigi, playing in gigiland, ( our play area set out for our little miss), Danny making a sizzling sausage and egg breakfast, ABC1 on the TV and a certain little owl who sings in a nasal falsetto comes on.  Danny and I burst into two part nasal falsetto harmony, singing along to the song, Gigi is agog with delight at her ridiculous parents.

I am starting to calculate the number of years we will be singing along to children's television, oh dear........, I am going to need a distraction, I can't start wishing for a teenager just yet.  My sister has been telling me over and over that you can't just write two books, you have to have a trilogy, so I am starting to consider ideas for my characters as they reach the young adult stage. 

I am going to have many hours of enduring children's television ahead of me, this might just be the distraction I need, oops, better finish book 1 and 2 first....

Two and a 3/4 weeks and counting........


  1. I finally figured out how to post a comment on my own blog, lol

  2. Hey Jules that's great news. Can't wait to comment away. By the way, Jess says she hasn't read your book yet.... I think she'd been keen. Linda

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