Today I would like to welcome my good friend and publishing buddy, Cheryl Carpinello to the blog
Cheryl has a wealth of experience in INDIE PUBLISHING,
so I thought I would ask her a few questions.
1. How did you first get into writing?
An avid reader, writing was a natural progression for me. Also, before I taught, I worked as an editor/news writer for a couple of magazines in the Satellite Communications industry. I’d written several fictional pieces over the years, but didn’t tackle anything too ambitious until I retired from teaching in 2007. As a high school English teacher, I didn’t have a lot of spare time.
2. What is your motivation for writing?
As an educator, I’ve worked with all types of kids. While many may not see the value of being able to read and write fluently, educators and parents do. The tremendous influence of social media and technology in kids’ lives today doesn’t leave much room for reading. Add this to kids who aren’t good readers—ages 8 and up—and tend to shy away from reading, and society ends up to a huge number of adult non-readers. I hope my adventurous romps through the ancient and medieval worlds will entice these non-readers to pick up more books at a younger age.
3. How do you come up with your ideas?
All of my ideas come from my years in the classroom teaching Arthurian Legend and the stories/myths from the ancient worlds: Egypt, Greece, and Rome. In particular, the classics like The Iliad and The Odyssey. Kids love these time periods as is evidenced by the number of role-playing games set in these worlds.
4. Do you research your stories?
Yes, I do. A lot of my research was done in preparation for teaching particular units in high school. I also conduct research on the internet and use books/texts. I’ve been most fortunate in that, as of now, I have been able to spend time in Egypt and, more recently, in the United Kingdom doing my research first hand.
5. What is the most rewarding part of self publishing?
Probably the most rewarding part of self-publishing is seeing my final product published and knowing that it is the best that I and others could make it.
6. What is the most difficult part of self publishing?
Everything about self-publishing is difficult! As the writer, I am responsible for making sure that my writing is at its best, the editing is top-notch, the final formats are up to industry standards including the cover, and that the marketing of all my books is ongoing and productive. Unless an author makes a ton of money and/or has talented family/friends, all of those duties above take away valuable writing time.
7. What are you working on next?
Currently, I’m working on a sequel to Guinevere: On the Eve of Legend. I always meant for this to be a stand alone, but over the years, Cedwyn—Guinevere’s friend—has been pressing me to make him a knight. I finally gave in. Guinevere: At the Dawn of Legend—Cedwyn’s Story in the works. My projected date for publication was late fall 2015, but I’m realistically looking at early spring 2016.
8. What advice would you give to an aspiring author?
Perfect your craft. Writing doesn’t just get better; it needs constant work. That is a truism I told my students everyday. Keep writing and reading. It is imperative that you find a professional editor. Far too many books are out there in the public eye that haven’t been edited by a professional. Be proud of your work and make it your best.
9. Favourite food.
A smothered beef burrito with a margarita on the rocks.
10. If you could go anywhere, anytime, where would you go and what would you do?
I would like to travel the ancient worlds of Troy, Persia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome just to name a few. These ancient civilizations contributed so much to our modern world. It would be fascinating to actually see what daily life was like then and to interact with the people.
Thank you so much Cheryl for your insights and we have enjoyed your adventures.
About The Book
TITLE – Sons of the Sphinx SERIES – The Quest Books AUTHOR – Cheryl Carpinello GENRE – YA Historical Time Travel PUBLICATION DATE – October 10, 2014 LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 192/36,000 PUBLISHER – Beyond Today Educator COVER ARTIST – Bernistevens Design
Two souls
Separated by three millennium
One with a gift that is more like a curse
One on an almost impossible quest
Destinies entwined; one seeks to find herself while the other seeks his lost queen. To succeed, the pair must right the injustices 3,000 years in the past.
Only together can they fulfill The Prophecy, but in the process they must defeat the Pharaoh Horemheb.
Dishonor and death are the fate of the defeated.
Rosa: Hi! I’m Rosa. I’m 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. I’m your typical teenager—well, almost. I don’t have many friends anymore, but it’s hard to blame the other kids. If I was them, I’d probably steer clear of me too, at least most of the time. No one is ever mean to me; I’ve grown up with most of them, and on my bad days, they try to ignore me. Wish I could do the same to those who talk to me. Mostly I just shake my head and carry on. It helps that I have a sarcastic sense of humor.
My daily life consists of trying to pass all my classes, getting a date for school dances, and dealing with Nana’s gift nearly every day while I try not to lose my mind.
Tut: My name is Nebkheperure Tutanhkame. I ascended the throne of Egypt upon the death of my father, Pharaoh Akhenaten. There has been much speculation in modern day on my death. My concern is finding the final resting place of my beloved queen, Ankhesenamun and making right that which was wronged centuries ago.
Excerpt from Chapter 11 of Sons of the Sphinx by Cheryl CarpinelloA well-traveled dirt road leads back into the valley formed by the hills on either side. Although not high by my experience, rising up from the sandy floor, the Theban Hills are impressive. Jagged crevices run up and down the sides of the hills, and in many places, man-made square arches can be seen. The Tombs of the Pharaohs. I’m walking in the footsteps of an ancient people. How cool.
I hurry to catch up with him. A mistake, sweat stings my eyes and grit scrapes my cheek when I wipe my face. My shirt is sticking to me by the time I come even with him. Does Re never find a cloud to hide behind? Did I say Re? Now I’m starting to think as an Egyptian. Good grief. Must be the heat. There is no shade anywhere. Like a shimmering mirage on a hot highway, the heat rises in waves off the barren hillsides. No trees can withstand this burning furnace. The only shelter exists under the entrances to the tombs.
Tut hurries ahead, but I may never get here again, so I take my time. We pass one entrance, and I walk over closer to it. Heavy wooden doors covered in hieroglyphs bar the way. Ancient rope—rough, scratchy, and strong—twisted around the door handles and knotted tight, holds them closed. On the right door handle there is a clump of mud molded like those wax seals used on letters. It covers the handle and the rope. Symbols are pressed into it.
“Tut, what is this for and what does it say?”
He hurries over, curious.
“Why the rope and this lump of mud?”
“Lump of mud? Oh Roosa, you are looking at the Necropolis Seal placed here by the priests. That it is still here means that the tomb is intact. No one has entered since the burial.”
“Does the seal say whose tomb this is? Is it a pharaoh?”
“No, not a pharaoh. Here.” He points to a set of hieroglyphs. “These state that this is the tomb of the dignitary Ramose.” He pauses. “I remember hearing stories about him when I was young. He was the governor of Thebes during Thutmosis IV’s time.”
“Do all the tombs carry this seal?”
“Yes, but even in my reign, it was becoming difficult to keep the tombs sealed. Thieves continually broke in to steal the property of the dead.”
“Tomb robbers.”
“Yes. When they were caught, their hands were chopped off.”
I gasp at such horrible consequences.
“You are shocked. I understand that in your time, there does not exist an undisturbed tomb here.” He waves his hand around the entire valley. “Who are these people who think they have the right to touch a Pharaoh of Egypt, even a dead one? They disturb our sacred resting places and steal the items left for our journey into the afterlife. May they all be cursed along with their families.”
I stand beside him, my mouth agape. Up to now, Tut has been determined in his mission, angry at Horemheb, but he hasn’t lost his composure. Until now. I try to find words to soothe him.
“They only want the world to know about the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. How magnificent they were. How they lived.”
He turns on me. “You don’t learn about a people by stealing what is sacred to them. In my time and yours, they are nothing more than common tomb robbers!”
“Scholars have shared what they learned. They search for knowledge. I learned about you from the artifacts in the exhibit.”
“Harrumph! What do you and they know? Nothing. Nothing at all! All you do is seek the treasures and the gold to make yourselves rich.” He spits in the dirt. “You wouldn’t know wealth if you were buried in it. Tomb robbers, the whole lot.”
He stomps away almost at a run, propelled by his anger. I hurry to keep up with him. We round a bend and to the left a small path winds up a cliff and then disappears. His chest heaves with ragged breaths and he’s actually vibrating he’s so enraged.
“We aren’t all like that, you know.” I whisper, wanting to avoid a harsh response. “Some of us understand that true wealth comes from within, from one’s heart, from love for others, and from respect for family.” I pause. “Some of us do.”
He says nothing; he doesn’t turn to look at me, but his breathing slows; his fingers unclench.
I am a retired high school English teacher. A devourer of books growing up, my profession introduced me to writings and authors from times long past. Through my studies and teaching, I fell in love with the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Now, I hope to inspire young readers to read more through my Quest Books set in these worlds.
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Thank you, Julie!
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