Thursday, 3 September 2015

Kid Lit Blog Hop #65 Need your help on a little research project

Kid Lit Blog Hop
Welcome to the 65th Kid Lit Blog Hop where we continue to develop a dynamic and engaged community of children's books bloggers, authors, publishers, and publicists. So, you are always more than welcome to join us by popping in a post and hopping around to meet some of your fellow Kid Lit bloggers and authors! *** Please note that we are back to 2 Hops per month. The Hops will take place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.


Mother Daughter Book Reviews

Julie Grasso, Author/ Blogger

Cheryl Carpinello, Author / Blogger

Stacking Books


Music Teaching and Parenting

Pragmatic Mom

Reading Authors

The Logonauts

Spark and Pook


  Hi Folks, This week I have a bit of a research focus and I need your help.

I have been madly writing a steampunkish, timey wimey, mysterious society type adventure and I have come across some great comparative titles.

 Tell, me which have you read from the list below and what are your thoughts on them.


 Link to Amazon

This one I read a review of recently on the hop and it sounded enchanting.


Kenneth Oppel is considered the master of this genre. What say you all.

 Link To Amazon

 I have a this on my kindle and I am enjoying it, but I am struck by the length of these kinds of books.  Any thoughts. 

 Amazon Link

Loads of mixed reviews on this one, should I bother as it appears to be mostly a graphic novel, and by some reviewers not at all what the blurb presents... Thoughts

This one has loads of reviewers saying its very peculiar, lol.  How peculiar, too peculiar to capture a reluctant readers attention. 

I am 3/4 through this one and enjoying it, but as per a previous blog post, I wonder at the wandering plot, the complexity, the character who is supposed to be 13 but reads like a 40 year old, the use of the word look at least 1300 times throughout the book LOL.  Is this story appealing to kids aged 8-12 as target.

 What interests me is the length of these books, the darkness of their themes and the complexity. Would a reluctant reader cope.

I  have a theory that this kind of story can be done, without the excessive word counts and dark themes, but still engage reluctant readers, who would usually dismiss books like these as too challenging. Are many of these books loved by adults, but not so much by kids.  Any experience on these books are welcome.

I hope to prove my theory correct one day...  Love your feedback hoppers. 



Kid Lit Blog Hop Rules *Please Read*

1. Link up any Kid Lit related post in the Kid Lit Blog Hop. This can be a link to a children’s book review, a discussion about children’s literature/literacy, or a post on a recently-read children’s book or one that you love from your childhood.
* Don't link directly to your blog, it must be a specific post.*
* For Authors, we prefer you to link to your blog if you have one. Please link unique posts each time ~ no repeats please. *
* Make sure you include an image relevant to the POST (e.g., book cover), not your blog button or photo of yourself.*
* Feel free to link more than one post.*
2. Please visit AT LEAST the TWO LINKS from the Kid Lit Blog Hop directly ahead of your own and leave them some love in the form of a comment. We are trying to build a community of bloggers, readers, parents, authors, and others who are as passionate about children’s literature as we are so please CONNECT and follow any or all of the blogs that interest you! 3. If you like, grab the button above and put it somewhere on your blog, preferably the post you're linking up. If you'd prefer, you can just add a text link back to this Hop so that others can find it and check out all these great book links! 4. It would really help us get the word out about the Kid Lit Blog Hop if you would be so kind as to tweet, share, and spread the word about the Hop!

Happy Hopping!